Kaléo Program

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Time - The Holidays are Here

Todays post is just a quick collection of photos from the last days before we went on Christmas Break.

Merry Christmas from the Leadership team!

Until next time,


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Studies in the Gospels - Who was Jesus Actually?

The students are wrapping up their last class before Christmas: Introduction to the Gospels with Wes Olmstead. It has been a full week of class lectures, preparing group presentations, and wrestling through tough questions about who Jesus is and what He is calling us to. For many students, this week feels like they are “drinking from a firehose” because there is SO much to process through in a short amount of time. But it is so worth it! 

As the students are studying the very words and life of Jesus, they are being challenged in their own spiritual journey. They are asking questions like: What does it mean to be true disciple of the Jesus laid out in Scripture? and What does obedience look like in my daily life? It is great to see them chewing through such vital truths and drawing closer to Christ in the process.

In this last week before Christmas break, the students will be finishing up post-class assignments as well as enjoying some fun Christmas festivities! We will be making Christmas decorations, cutting down our very own Christmas tree, enjoying a staff & student Christmas Banquet, and sharing our talents at our staff & student Talent Show. We have lots to look forward to in this last week before the break!

Blessings, Janelle