Kaléo Program

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Exploring Missions - Visiting Missions Fest Vancouver

This really is missions month in the Kaleo program and its been an exciting time. This month is packed with a course on the subject of missions, a trip to learn about missions, and our own missions trips coming up in less than a week!

Heading off the island to enjoy Missions Fest Vancouver 2015
One of the things we love to do is go to the annual Missions Fest hosted in Vancouver. It is a huge get together of organizations from around the world that come to share what there about in one big festival. It's a mix of big worship times, in-depth sessions and simply exploring the booths of different organizations (there was hundreds!).

Our first day in Van before the Fest started we rented tandem bikes and explored the sea wall at Stanley park!

We were quite the sight!

These are pictures from twitter showing the conference centre and one of the big rooms for the large sessions. 
I didn't take many picture while we were there because we were so busy experiencing it. There were tons of individual sessions that were smaller and more intimate. These sessions were on a huge variety of topics from speakers all over the world.

While we are in Vancouver we were able to stay at a local Baptist Church. It is a tradition for us to put together a music team and lead for them on their Sunday service. This is both a great opportunity for the students to gain more worship experience but also a way we can bless the Church.

The students also did an amazing job putting on a skit and bible lessons for the kids program. This was so fun to watch, and their enthusiasm was fantastic!

The kids loved it!
Missions trips are coming up fast as well leave in under a week. There is a buzz of activity at camp as the students just finished their Missions course, and are now studying for the exam. Please keep all of the students in your prayers as we get ready for these trips. We have two teams heading to two locations, one team to Baja Mexico and the other team is heading back to Vancouver.

Thanks for stopping by this week!

Until next time,
