The Blessings of Biblical Study
Over the past weeks the students have been hard at work with their 3rd course of the year, Old Testament Literature with Professor Don Taylor. This class is an excellent foundational class for the year as it helps cover an entire view of the Old Testament. In the span of one week Don Taylor was able to walk the class through the themes, imagery, prophecy and literature. This is one of the areas that is very beneficial about studying in a modular format. Covering that amount of material in such an intense time period, really helps for some of those 'big picture' connections to be made.
A Word From Isaiah Moffatt
Again, who better to share about the experience than someone who took it themselves. This week we have one of our students sharing about his experience."O.T. Lit. was an awesome class! There was a ton of information to take in (and I definitely don’t remember everything) but it was great to help me understand the big picture of the Old Testament. Most of the time when reading the OT, I used to get lost on the meaning and confused by all the jumping around in stories. Now I feel like I got a pretty good understanding of the small details and culture of that time. The stories I already knew have begun to take on so much more meaning as I see them in the big picture."

"It was pretty cool to see how God hasn’t changed from the Old Testament, and remains the same loving God even now. In most of the lectures we were going through all the stories in O.T. one by one and getting a better understanding of each. My favourite part was reading all the stories with the class and hearing all the questions we had and hearing how even small details changed the meaning.
A lot of questions seemed to point towards the culture of the time and a lot of understanding the Old Testament was actually reached by figuring out the culture. Don Taylor was an awesome Professor and if I go to Briercrest next year, I will definitely take one of his classes!"
Huge thanks to Isaiah for sharing his thoughts on the course. We are big on being able to practice what we are learning, but we are also big on making sure we are doing everything we can to learn and study with excellence. It has been so great to watch the students this year rise to the academic challenge and commit themselves to learning all they can.
The program certainly requires students to develop and continue to grow in their skills of personal energy and time management. There is a lot packed into their life and finding the space to do everything to the best of their abilities takes hard work. They just took their exam for this course a couple days ago, and are now focusing on wrapping up their research papers on the course. It has honestly been so cool to see all the students hard at work studying their books.
Above is a video showing one of the days were the students had an opportunity to go learn in the forest. Not every day of class is like this, but it certainly is a benefit to doing school on the west coast.
Excellent Leadership on Display
An awesome project the students worked on for this course was the yearly Old Testament video. Every year for this class the students get together and put their best acting skills to use for doing a dramatic re-telling of the OT events. I personally love seeing this project come together in it's various forms. Each year the students bring their own flair and it's so exciting seeing what they come up with.
There were three student directors in charge and they had just over a week to start and complete the project. The directors did an amazing job of leading their peers and spreading out the tasks. I have now seen 3 of these videos come together and I can say with confidence this was definitely one of the best team efforts I have seen put into the project. All the editors, script writers, actors, directors, and everyone else was putting in so much work to help pull this thing off.
We invited the entire Camp Qwanoes staff team to watch the film for the first time on their last day of class. It was definitely very exciting.
I look forward to sharing more with you soon,
Levi Allen,
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